What Does Tom`s Agreement with the Devil Tell You about Tom

In this story, Old Scratch knows exactly what it takes to manipulate Tom into accepting his terms: a promise of enough wealth and wealth to keep him for the rest of his life. In return, Tom manipulates customers who come to him for loans, playing with their poverty and yearning for a better life to let them dry of every penny they have. Manipulation can be done openly or discreetly; In this story, no one realizes that they have been manipulated until it is far too late. The story first tells the legend of the pirate William Kidd, who is said to have buried a great treasure in a forest in colonial Massachusetts. Kidd made a deal with the devil to protect his money. The conditions of the devil are unknown. Kidd died without being able to claim his money, but the devil has protected him ever since. During Jonathan Belcher`s governorship (1730-1741), speculation was pervasive and Walker`s business prospered. When he becomes a member of the local stock exchange, Tom buys a large house and a carriage, but does not install either, although he has the money (he is so stingy that he even lets his horses starve). Tom never tires of cheating on people until he suddenly gets scared of life after death.

He then becomes an obsessive practitioner, sings hymns in church with a voice much louder than any other parishioner, and always has two Bibles on hand – thinking that every sin in his neighbor`s „story“ is a „credit“ for his own. It is even said that he saddled his best riding horse and buried it upside down, believing that in recent days the world will be turned upside down and that he will then try to „surpass“ Old Scratch (although the narrator adds that it is „probably a simple old female fable“). The story continues around 1727. Tom Walker, a greedy and selfish miser of a man, enjoys money with his cunning and equally greedy wife. They lived in a dilapidated house that had stood alone and had a touch of hunger. That`s until he walks through the swamp of an ancient Indian fortress (a relic of King Philip`s war of 1675-1678) and starts a conversation with the incarnate devil (called in the story „Old Scratch“ and „the black man“). Old Scratch appears as a lumberjack or forestry worker who cuts down trees, anyone with a prominent and wealthy colonialist name marked on the trunk. A rotten and soon fallen tree bears the name of a deacon who got rich and „traded“ with the Indians. Another overthrown tribe has that of a wealthy sailor who is said to be a pirate.

Old Scratch makes a deal with Tom Walker and offers the riches hidden by Captain Kidd in the swamp for a high price, which is often considered his soul. Tom agrees to think about it and goes home. Add to folder[?] Introducing Cram Folders! Learn how to intelligently organize your flashcards. While Tom is quite willing to sell himself to Old Scratch for the treasure, he doesn`t do so at first, as that would mean having to share the treasure with his wife. After he tells her about her meeting, she meets Old Scratch herself, but tells her husband that Old Scratch needs a sacrifice. When Tom is gone, she picks up all her valuables and goes to make a deal with Old Scratch. When Tom searches for his wife and possessions, he finds only his apron, which holds his heart and liver and is tied to a tree. Washington said to the men, „I have offered to kidnap your wives, loved ones, children, and mothers and bring them here“ (chap.

6, 13). Like in this one. Since this is a story about a deal with the devil, the subject of good versus evil naturally comes into play. History suggests that greed and hypocrisy are the root of evil, and it is clear from Tom`s fate that they do not go unpunished. However, this story also implies that this fate is avoidable: with a set of good values and good judgment, people can live a „good“ life, fight evil, and escape the devil like Tom couldn`t. He mentions some people who were religious hypocrites, like the Grangerfords. Huckleberry stayed with the Grangerfords and they had been in a very long family. Tom`s choices in this story reflect how he places material wealth and financial prosperity above the well-being of others. He is more concerned about the loss of his valuables than about old scratch`s murder of his wife.

He shows no compassion for those who come to him to ask for loans and bleeds them instead. Tom`s values are in the wrong place, and in the end, he is punished for it. In most stories involving the devil, the devil incarnate represents temptation; This one is no different. Tom`s interactions with Old Scratch show how catastrophic temptation can be, and they warn readers to be extremely careful before engaging in it. It is a demonstration of the strength of being able to resist the desire for what is right; Tom was weak and he paid the price. Caution must be exercised when negotiating with anyone – especially the devil – and „The Devil and Tom Walker“ says this very clearly. Tom does not anticipate the consequences of the deal he has accepted and later faces the anxious prospect of an eternity of damnation. Tom`s wife is not careful when she hurries to accept the devil`s conditions, and as a result, she is murdered. This is a clear message to readers to pay attention to where they go when dealing with everyone; Make sure the terms are understood, otherwise you may find that you regret what you accepted. While Tom`s morale certainly isn`t in the right place at the beginning of the story, they continue to deteriorate over time until Tom has finally become so immoral that he looks like the devil himself.
